Guide to tryouts
“Tryouts are stressful”
You have to battle it out amongst many girls for a few spots that are available on a team. With just a few days to show off your skill and physical ability, how do you prove to coaches, or scouts that you deserve a spot on that roster? And how do you stand out? Let’s face it, tryouts in sports are basically like job interviews, you have to sell the best version of yourself and prove your worth.
I consider myself very lucky that I have made all of the teams in which I have tried out for. I also feel greatly for those that haven’t been in my position, it’s hard to handle the mental challenges that arise from being cut from a team. I feel for the coaches that have to make these decisions, but that’s just part of the sport we play and at the end of the day we have to respect the decisions that are made and be thankful for the opportunities that come. And realize that if you are cut from a team one year that doesn't mean that there will be no more future opportunities, work hard for the next one!
My first tryout with the senior national team was back in 2011. There was something like 40-50 girls in the gym as there were positions available for two teams. The ‘A’ team which would represent Canada at all of the major international tournaments during the summer, and the ‘B’ team which would represent Canada at the FISU Games in Shenzhen, China.
Now, most people have often described me as being very calm and cool on the court because usually I am very sure of myself as a player. Never too high, or too low it’s hard to see my emotions because I keep myself in check.
Well, those tryouts were the first time I was anything but. There were girls that I had played with previously at UBC, like Liz Cordonier, Kyla Richey, Jen Hinze, and Marisa Field. They were beyond reassuring, and it was so nice to have their guidance. But, there was some serious studs and fire power in that gym. Tammy Mahon (Captain at the time), Carla Bradstock, Tasha Holness, Tiffany Dodds, Brittney Page just to name a few. I have never felt so short, or so unsure as a player before.
It took a lot of confidence to head into the gym everyday for tryouts with the mindset that I was exactly where I was meant to be. It also took a lot of praying to the volleyball gods that my legs would remain in tact over the course of the week after jumping thousands of times. After day one your exhausted, day two you wake up with shaky legs and by day three you can hardly squat down to sit on the toilet. I digress.
Tryouts aren’t the time to be perfect, but they are the time to show the best version of yourself in the sport. What I find interesting about tryouts are how the different elements can play to the strengths of any player whether it’s fitness, skill, power, leadership, coach-ability, there’s plenty of opportunities for different people to shine.
Give your best effort
This kind of goes without saying, but no slacking at tryouts allowed. Physical testing? Give 100% Skill testing? Give 100% Game play? 100%
But what might help you the most if you are going through multi-day tryouts is dedicating 150% of your effort in sleeping. I’m talking naps, 10 hours of sleep every night that will become your best friend.
Jokes aside, in everything you do you should be putting your best foot forward. Attitude is everything here, so go into every practice with nothing short of a smile on your face. I want to see high fives flying, celebrations, encouragement, and an eagerness to learn.
Ask questions
If you don’t understand something like how a drill works, or maybe you are unsure about the schedule ASK! As a veteran nothing is more frustrating than when you begin a drill and you can sense uncertainty in a player and everything breaks down. Don’t be afraid to ask questions before a drill starts so that you can keep things running smoothly giving everyone a chance to show their skill. Also, don’t be that girl that shows up late because you were unclear about the schedule - who knows you may have to do like touch 30.
But most of all HAVE FUN
Like I said before, tryouts can be nerve racking and stressful, but think about how amazing the opportunity is right in front of you. You’ve made it this far, why not just have fun with it.
Good Luck!