Navigating a global pandemic

Let’s face it. Nobody has a damn clue what they are doing.


When was the last time anyone experienced something relatively close to what’s happening in the world right now?

Never. The answer is never. 

So what the hell are we supposed to do.

I for one think that’s a fabulous question.


I’ve seen posts that are all about empowering the masses to do more and work on bettering themselves. I see those posts and I’m like hell yeah I’m going to do this, make that, try this new thing, learn that. And then my reality is I continue scrolling Instagram and TikTok (yes I’m one of those 30 year olds that joined due to boredom) just to find one last funny video of a cat doing something naughty before I’m productive for an hour and right back into the same cycle for the rest of the day. Funny cat. Productivity. Repeat.


And then I see the other posts saying it’s okay to do nothing. It’s okay to not know what to do. And it’s okay to just do what you can within each new day. So I spend some time writing. I spend time walking. I try to stay active. I didn’t learn that new skill in a day and yet I can sleep knowing that what I did for that day was just enough. (Even if it involves spending all day learning that viral new dance from that video I saw one time to do with all friends only to realize I can’t see my friends slash everybody is stuck inside probably doing the same thing but won’t admit to each other that they are learning those new dances)

I don’t have the answers. I’m not a professional. I don’t know much about the economy and how damaging this will be for years to come. I’m not a psychologist and don’t have the answers about how to be happy when in my experience everything is shitty. But I’ve tried to manage my days by focusing on doing 3 things every dang repetitive day. If I can do these things every day then that’s a win for me. It’s not ground breaking or earth shattering. I’m no health guru, or life coach. I’m just a girl who knows what works for me, and with a platform to share I want to do exactly that.

Now, let me preface things by saying this. I spent 3 years performing this whole social distance experience on myself more or less. While living overseas playing professional volleyball it was 8 months at a time of being alone with myself aside from practices and workouts with my team. I like to think that I thrived and that I was made for that lifestyle. I love my own company and my alone time, but even still it was damn hard, just like things are now.


Anyways, back to 3 things. Here’s mine, but I hope you find some time to find what works for you so you can create your own new normal.

Stay Active

This probably goes without saying with my line of work, but the benefits of being an active human being are so beneficial to the soul. Honestly, when I’m feeling down, or lazy, there is nothing quite like taking the time to move my body whether that’s for five minutes or five hours (JK I will never effing do that). And I’ve really enjoyed trying new physical activities during this quarantine. Whether it’s boxing, yoga, running up 15 flights of stairs, hill sprints, walking, or running across the city to find toilet paper it’s all been worth it.

Here’s a yoga flow for your pleasure with an incredible background to help you feel like you are on vacation, because I know I could use one right about now.

Have a Routine

My normal weekly schedule generally has me up before 7 or 8 on most days, and out of the house until some time in the evening. Well for the first week of isolation let me tell you I slept innnnn girl. And that was nice. Until I started to feel like there was a damn sleep monster attacking me every morning and not letting me out of bed. So I’ve tried to fall back into what my normal daily routine would look like even in a time of this new normal. I set an alarm every morning except for on weekends, I work out in the morning or early afternoon, I call my family sometime in the evening, and make sure I go to sleep at a similar hour that I normally would.

Everything else that falls into my daily routine is up for discussion. But, as long as I feel like I have control over what my general daily routine is that’s a win. And let me tell you this time is all about the small victories.

Do one thing everyday that challenges you

Over the last few weeks I’ve really had to sit down and look at my lifestyle as an athlete and how it is not always in my control, and my future isn’t always certainly known. The one question I’ve always hated asking myself is ‘what’s next?’ Not because I don’t think that I can handle the next chapter of my life. But simply because I get scared shitless of thinking of starting all over again.

Hell, I know I can do it. I really feel that I can face any challenge head on and thrive no matter how difficult it may seem. I just like to leave that thought of the next step in the back of my mind until I really have to face it.

Enough rambling. I did a thing. I took a big leap. I applied to go back to school for a graduate certificate in High Performance Coaching. I agonized for about 5 days as I got my application together. And it was a challenge to finally hit send. But I’m proud to say that I did that - and damn does that feel good.

I really believe in the power of stretching your comfort zone, because for me that’s the only way that I know how to grow. And I’m not sure that there’s anything that’s more satisfying than personal growth, no matter how big or small or significant you may think it is. So I’ve tried to do something new every day to keep that trend going.

If you’re not sure where to start, here’s a few things that I have enjoyed trying.

  1. Registering for online courses with Edex & applying for grad school!

2. Attempting to duplicate recipes by Pinch of Yum & trying recipes from my grandparents

3. Boxing workouts courtesy of PopSugar or through the Peloton App!

4. Drawing, journalling and writing


Let me know some things that you’ve been getting up to during this quarantine! I’d love to try, and if there are any of you that need support, help, guidance or just a friendly ear during this time please don’t hesitate to reach out. Whether that’s to me, or maybe you need a third party source. There are tons of resources out there and I’ve taken the time to reach out a counsellor to help me manage things through one of our resources as athletes at GamePlan/Morneau Sheppell and couldn’t be more grateful to have some outside support.

If you’re struggling please take a look at some of these online resources

Morneau Sheppell

Therapy For Home

Stay Safe, stay active, stay home, and stay happy ya’ll <3