Bands a make her dance
Banded Leg Warm up
First off, I am NOT a trainer. I just wanted to share with you things that I get up to in the gym where I spend majority of my days. Eventually I'll be posting videos so you can see what really goes down in the weight room.
I’ve had to get creative to be able to maintain a level of fitness that was challenging for me, but one that was more importantly safe with low impact since my surgery. I've only just been cleared to start lifting weights so the majority of my focus has been on trying to get my legs back on track, as well as my physio routine for my shoulder.
Hashtag goals. Pre surgery.
This is something I started doing early in my recovery and something I still do for warm up. This takes around 15 minutes depending on how many circuits. Once I’m cleared to play this is something that I will incorporate into my game warm up routine instead of the typical run, stretch + dynamic warm up which I have always felt was inadequate for my body leaving me to use the start of the game as the end of my warm up.
You will need a resistance band (I sometimes use 2). I bought mine at an athletic supply store in Winnipeg. You can also easily order them online as well.
The band will be placed above the knees for all of the following:
20 hip bridges
20 body weight squats
20 shuffle steps/side
20 forward/backward monster walks
Repeat till your hearts content.
Focus: Keep resistance on the band for all movements. For most of these movements I focused on activating my glutes - squeeze your butt.